江苏凯恒绳业有限公司 |
三股绳 四股绳 六股绳
产品简介>> General Description 品种有锦纶复丝(线),丙纶长丝(线),丙纶、涤纶、丙纶/涤纶混合等系列产品。其产品适用范围广,具有强力高,伸长低,耐磨损,耐腐蚀,柔软光滑,便于操作等优点。同时可制作防静电等特种绳索,主要用于各类船舶配备,渔业捕捞、港口装卸、电力施工、石油勘探、体育用品、国防科研等领域。 It has serial products including varieties of nylon, polypropylene filament, polypropylene, polypropylene/polyester mixed, polyester. it started a new epoch of rope and cable industry in the country and its products have advantages of reasonable braided structure, scientific technology, high strength, low elongation, wearing resistance, anti-corrosion and simple operation. It is particularly suitable to make large-scale ropes and cables as well as anti-static ropes therefore they are well received by broad customers. The products are mainly used in fields of shipbuilding, ocean transportation, national defense and military industry, sea petroleum and harbor operation etc.
材料和应用领域>> Material and Application 产品参数>> Parameter Table |